Habeats: Smart fitness gear and personalized programs to build lasting healthy habits
Discover Habeats NowHabeats: Smart fitness gear and personalized programs to build lasting healthy habits
Discover Habeats NowOur shop has moved to Habeats.Fitness, but Hygear continues to thrive! We're proud to partner with organizations and companies around the globe, helping them improve the lives of their communities through our innovative wellness solutions.
Empower your workforce with comprehensive wellness programs that enhance health, productivity, and morale
Join our growing community of partners and help us spread the message of healthy living
Bring Habeats innovative wellness products to your customers
For questions about Habeats products, programs, or orders, please contact our dedicated customer service team
6600 Topanga Canyon Blvd, LA, California 91303, US
Thomas Westbrook | US Sales Director
+1-832-496-0847 | thomas@hygearfit.com
16th cross Malleshwaram, Bengaluru 560003
Eli Poplinger | Managing Director
+972-52-254-8267 | Eli@hygearfit.com
Derech Ze'Ev Jabotinsky 96, Petah Tikva, 4959253
Aviram Ganot | Managing Director
+972-52-2222418 | aviram@hygearfit.com